Published annually in the summer in printed form and online, Rubor accepts submissions from those working within and those impacted by healthcare and medicine. Anyone is welcome to submit; you do not have to be an employee or student of the University of Utah.


The annual print and online edition submission deadline is  12/15/2024


Rubor editorial staff now considers multimedia works for publication in addition to the more traditional print formats. Please read our Rich Media / Audio and Video Guideline.  New media types accepted for the print edition will be represented with a line entry that includes a short link to the work’s page on Rubor‘s website, and may be accompanied with a short description and/or topics, including file size, length, format, etc., at the editor’s discretion.

Submission Instructions

Please submit your creative work using this form — one form submission per individual work.

Review the two documents prior to submission:
1) Rich Media / Audio and Video Guideline
2) Copyright and Creator Agreement

File Sizes: 20 megabytes (MB) maximum.
The total file size of entry files uploaded in one form submittal.

Larger than 20MB (ex. video, audio, etc.):
Provide a link to a hosted service.  Please set permission with no login/signup requirements. If you require privacy, please provide password or login information in the submission. If the work is accepted, further instructions for appropriate hosting will be provided. If not accepted, you may change the view status and/or password to the hosted resource to private.

Multi-party works:
Multi-part literary or still works (such as diptychs, triptychs, etc.) intended to be presented together in one location as one work may be uploaded as multiple files within one submittal.

Example: “Diptych might have 3 images. High resolution image of each piece, and a standard resolution image of the two pieces displayed in the exhibition arrangement.”

Suggested Prepared Materials:
2.11 Biographical Info * (short-form)

Rubor Biographical, short-form example

Biographical, short-form example
A few words about your creative history, and/or the genesis of the work, and/or a high-level description of your health sciences/health care relationship — or more in-depth information — are all gratefully accepted; may be published with the work you are submitting.

2.11 Biographical Info * (extended)

Rubor Biographical, extended example

A high-level description of your health sciences/health care relationship. Rubor alumni may contact the editorial staff and submit updated biographical and/or media (news) item you would like to share about yourself.

2.11 Biographical Info * (annotation: subject matter, process description)

Rubor Work annotation

Include additional information about the work; may it be e.g. subject, process, materials, inspiration, and etc. Also, indicate preference for inclusion, accompany the work or in the extended biographical section.

Subject/topic descriptions aid search engine discovery and humans for finding topics of interest. “Arabic, gender inequality, aging — Give Me Another Letter

2.12 Profile Picture

David Smyth, M.D.

This headshot will accompany your piece on your artist/author profile on the website if it is selected for publication.

Photos accompanying the short bio section are auto cropped to a square format. You may submit both a square cropped  headshot  and full-size version. They do not need to be the same image.

2.13 News and Media Mentions

Media mentions, news example

Provide a link or a PDF file containing a printed copy of a media mention. We welcome accompanying information from outside sources that contextualizes your work. For example, this could be a past interview from a local newspaper reviewing a gallery show in which you participated. We may link this information to your author/artist profile on our website, and post it beneath your piece, if it is accepted.

Submission Form

Please provide information about the work.

Please choose "Yes" to indicate that you accept the terms of the Copyright and Creator Agreement (click here to read). Submitting a "No" value means that your submission will not be considered for publication by Rubor.

Title of the creative work

Check all that apply.

List the materials used in the original work; required only for non-literary creations.

Please type 4-digit year

Click "Add File"

Attach a textual (plain text or PDF document only; no Microsoft Office/Word formats, please) or static image file (maximum of 4 files for a multi-part single work composed of images); use the "Alternative Rich Media File Transfer" field for any file larger than 20 megabytes or any audio/video file


File name:

File size:

For large works (a single audio or video file, or image file/s larger than 20 megabytes) hosted on another Internet site, click "Add Source"


Examples: "YouTube", "Google Drive", etc.
