
Images used by the artist include Portrait No. 40, Portrait No. 48, and Portrait No. 47 by Lam Qua. Images used courtesy of the Peter Parker Collection of the Whitney Medical Library at Yale University Library.       

Illness Narratives

Restitution stories attempt to outdistance mortality by rendering illness

Bald Eagles and Chemo

I knew it was coming. After my morning walk, I sat down and ran my fingers through my hair—and ended up with a handful. Right on schedule, Day 14 following my first chemo treatment for stage lll inflammatory breast cancer. Taking what remained of my shoulder-length hair and cutting off what I could with a …

Web of Causation

Spiders are living in the bathtub

Sherry’s Story

I’ve just returned from the memorial service with my son Otto; he had


bedsheets and socks on their feet and wrappers strewn like cigarette butts on

The Search

I cannot find or see what I seek. Blind, I

Make Your Way

At times, we are lost in a sea of thought. We swim in new ideas and warm,